Ann Plato
Ann Plato was born sometime around 1820, and no one knows when she died. In fact, the only documented details of her life are that she wrote a book, titled Essays: Including Biographies and Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Poetry, and that the book was unpopular. Her work was composed in the vein of her Puritan upbringing, focusing on such cliché religious topics as benevolence, education, and employment. "Cliché" is also how most critics have categorized her writing, calling it unoriginal and morally idealistic. They have also taken issue with her omission of the topic of slavery--a subject popular among her better-known African-American contemporaries--though she briefly alluded to the West Indies once. That's not to say she doesn't have some legacy: a fellowship has been set up in her name to aide minority doctoral students at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
(Compiled by Kelly Monson)
See also
Essays by Ann Plato
The votaries of fame may acquire a sort of insensibility to death and its consequences. But he alone whose peace is made with God, can walk with composure through the gloomy valley of the shadow of death, and fear no evil.
To be thirsty in a the most terrible situation that a man can be placed in.
Those who have risen from humble stations, often recur with satisfaction to the steps through which they have been led on their upward way.
Time is more valuable than money. If you hinder a scholar from studying, you commit a robbery against him; for robbers of time, are more guilty, than robbers of money.
I was ashamed, and felt that I had need to be taught of nature; and I yet wished to turn from the wild scenery around, and look into the moral and intellectual views of mankind.
The graves before me, and all around me, are thickly deposited. The marble that speak the names, bid us prepare for Death.